These are all the bags we currently offer. We are always trying to expand to other bags and bring back others that have been previously offered. There are many reasons we don’t currently offer certain bags. Please be patient as we try to bring those back.
Please allow 2+ days after order to receive shipping information. Making bags, to the quality we prefer, takes time.
4 full length zippered compartments. Divider pockets each side. Stamp pad or ID pocket.
Padded zippered pockets on each end, perfect for radio, lantern, or maybe some shoes. Cinch strap tie-down on top.
Hand straps go all the way around the bottom of the bag. D-ring straps go all the way to the bottom of the bag and are sewn into the bottom seam. They have 2 ply bottoms on the center compartment.
Adjustable padded nylon shoulder strap. Triple stitched seams and all stress points reinforced. YKK zippers now included.
Rule books fit in this bag!! Perfect Grip for Railroaders!
Comes with End Pocket Inserts, Handle Wrap, and a 45” adjustable Carrying Strap.
Bag Sizes (LxWxH in inches)
XL= 33x13x14 ~5000 Cubic Inches
L= 29x13x14 ~4300 Cubic Inches
M= 25x13x14 ~3500 Cubic Inches
Covered in our lifetime warranty!