These are all the bags we currently offer. We are always trying to expand to other bags and bring back others that have been previously offered. There are many reasons we don’t currently offer certain bags. Please be patient as we try to bring those back.
Please allow 2+ days after order to receive shipping information. Making bags, to the quality we prefer, takes time.
Hose and Wrench Bag
Hose and Wrench Bag
Hose and Wrench bag is perfect for carrying a hose, wrench, and maybe a few gaskets, designed specifically for those long walks to repair the train line hose.
Padding at the top and bottom, on the front and back protects you, and others, from pokey metal bits.
Padded ~42” Nylon Strap fits over your shoulder so you can keep your hands free. More comfortable than a chair cover, and much longer lasting.
Folds up to fit nicely in end pocket of Original or Deluxe Bag when empty.
Made with YKK Zippers, Nylon Webbing, and 1000 Denier Nylon Cordura.
Bag is 8.5”W x 31”L ~265 Cubic Inches
Comes in Black.